Safety Operation Instructions for Oxygen Manifold System

       Safety Operation Instructions for Oxygen Manifold system

  1. The operation of the oxygen manifold must be carried out by a professionaloperator who is familiar with the performance of oxygen. Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the room , and the fire extinguishing equipment is complete and oily items are not allowed to be stored.


  1. Each group ofmanifolds in the central oxygen supply system is composed of manifolds on both sides. The operator opens the corresponding stop valve and pressure reducing valve according to the gas load to implement gas supply on one side or simultaneous gas supply on both sides.


  1. To open the one-side manifold: slowly open the cut-off valve in front of the pressure reducer, meanwhile the pressure gauge shows inlet pressure value. Then turn the pressure reducer adjusting screw clockwise, so that the low pressure pressure gauge indicates the required value and then supply gas to the gas route. When supplying air to the pressure reducer, it should be prevented from opening suddenly, so as not to impact the pressure reducer and cause the pressure reducer to fail.


  1. When the manifoldsystem stops supplying gas, you only need to loosen the adjusting screw of the pressure reducing valve, and then close the shut-off valve after the pressure gauge indicates zero.


  1. Both the high-pressure chamber and the low-pressure chamber of the oxygen reducer are equipped with safety valves. Do not pull the safety valves at ordinary times. When it is found that the pressure reducer is damaged or leaking, or the pressure of the low pressure gauge is rising continuously, and the pressure gauge cannot return to zero, etc., it should be repaired in time.


  1. After the manifoldsupply system is put into use, daily maintenance should be done well. It is strictly forbidden to knock on the pipe fittings. During normal use, the pressure gauge must be measured and tested every year.

  1. When gasleakage is found at the connection part of the manifold, it is generally due to insufficient thread tightening force or damaged gasket, and the sealing gasket should be properly tightened or replaced. It is strictly forbidden to use it in the state of air leakage, otherwise there is a danger of explosion.


  1. The central oxygen supply system repairs or replaces the valves on the oxygen pipeline, sealing packing and other accessories must be degreased with carbon tetrachloride before installation.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to touch the bottle valve and hose connector with oily gloves.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to store oxygen cylinders in the same room as acetylene cylinders.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to violently vibrate, knock and collide with the gas cylinder, and it is not allowed to be close to the fire source. Gas cylinders beyond the safety inspection period shall not be used. Do not run out of gas in the bottle, there must be residual pressure.


  1. The oxygen pipeline of the central oxygen supply system should be reliably grounded, and the grounding resistance should be ≤10 Ohm.
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