9 sets of oxygen generator project in Myanmar completed

Recently, 9 sets of medical oxygen generators manufactured by Amcaremed were installed in Myanmar. This is our largest oxygen generator project in Myanmar, which will help us further enter the Myanmar market, establish our brand image and improve the competitiveness of our products.

As an important part of the hospital gas equipment, the oxygen generators will help relieve the pressure of medical resources shortage in some areas of Myanmar and provide oxygen therapy support for COVID-19 patients.

The project was contracted in succession in October 2020 and includes several hospitals in Khamtihe and Mandalayde areas. The local electricity environment and some of the indicators required by the customer are different from the current domestic standards. In order to ensure that the technical characteristics of the products meet the standards, our company has been communicating with the customer by teleconference for many times and discussing solutions together, and finally solved various technical problems of the oxygen generator equipment and met the requirements of the performance indicators stipulated in the contract.

Due to the urgency of the project, the workers worked overtime to ensure that the delivery could be made on time. The workers of the two teams voluntarily gave up their rest time and stayed at work, and completed the delivery in January 2021 with quality and quantity as scheduled. The customer expressed that AmcareMed’s delivery speed was amazing.

The oxygen production capacity of this medical oxygen plant project is expected to be available for 9,000 beds, which will greatly improve the oxygen supply level of local hospitals and play an important role in guaranteeing the local fight against COVID-19 epidemic.

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